Monday 9 April 2018

                     Design and Analysis of Algorithms

1. The time required to find shortest path in a graph with n vertices and e edges is

Select one:
a.  O (n2) Correct
b.  O (n)       
c. O (e)   
d.  O (e2)               
The correct answer is:  O (n2)

2. A sub-sequence of a given sequence is just the given sequence with some elements (possibly none or all) left out. We are given two sequences X[m] and Y[n] of lengths m and n respectively, with indexes of X and Y starting from 0.
We wish to find the length of the longest common sub-sequence(LCS) of X[m] and Y[n] as l(m,n), where an incomplete recursive definition for the function l(i,j) to compute the length of The LCS of X[m] and Y[n] is given below:

l(i,j) = 0, if either i=0 or j=0
       = expr1, if i,j > 0 and X[i-1] = Y[j-1]
       = expr2, if i,j > 0 and X[i-1] != Y[j-1]

Select one:
a. expr2 ≡ max(l(i-1,j-1),l(i,j))
b. expr1 ≡ l(i, j-1)
c. expr2 ≡ max(l(i-1, j), l(i, j-1)) Correct
d. expr1 ≡ l(i-1, j) + 1
The correct answer is: expr2 ≡ max(l(i-1, j), l(i, j-1))

3.In Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, flow of the augmenting path is selected based on

Select one:
a. cf(p) =min{ cf (u,v):(u,v)is in p }
b. cf(p) =max{ cf (u,v):(u,v)is in p }
c.    cf(p) =min{ cf (u,v):(u,v)is in f-P } Incorrect
d. cf(p) =max{ cf (u,v):(u,v)is in f-P }
The correct answer is: cf(p) =min{ cf (u,v):(u,v)is in p }

4. what is an optimal Huffman code for alphabet b of the following set of frequencies a: 45, b:13, c:12, d:16, e:9, f:5

Select one:
a. 001
b. 100
c. 111
d. 101 Correct
The correct answer is: 101

5. Match the following:

         List – I                           List – II

         1 Quick Sort                a Divide and Conquer

         2 Graph colouring       b Greedy

         3 String editing           c Dynamic


         4 Prim’s Algorithm     d Back tracking

Select one:
1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d
1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c Incorrect
1-a, 2-d, 3-c, 4-b
None of these

6. kruskal’s algorithm uses-------- and prim’s algorithm uses------ in determining the MST

Select one:
a. vertex,edges
b. vertex,vertex
c. edges,vertex    Correct
d. edges,edges
The correct answer is: edges,vertex 

7.Ram and Shyam have been asked to show that a certain problem Π is NP-complete. Ram shows a polynomial time reduction from the 3-SAT problem to Π, and Shyam shows a polynomial time reduction from Π to 3-SAT. Which of the following can be inferred from these reductions ?

Select one:
a. Π is NP-complete Correct
b. Π is NP-hard but not NP-complete
c. Π is in NP, but is not NP-complete
d. Π is neither NP-hard, nor in NP
The correct answer is: Π is NP-complete

8.Consider the following two problems of graph.
1) Given a graph, find if the graph has a cycle that visits every vertex exactly once except the first visited vertex which must be visited again to complete the cycle.
 2) Given a graph, find if the graph has a cycle that visits every edge exactly once. Which of the following is true about above two problems
Select one:
a.   Both problems belong to NP complete set
b. Both problems belong to P set
c. Problem 1 belongs to P set and 2 belongs to NP Complete set
d. Problem 1 belongs NP Complete set and 2 belongs to P Correct
The correct answer is: Problem 1 belongs NP Complete set and 2 belongs to P

9.If all c(i, j )’s and r(i, j)’s are calculated, then OBST algorithm in worst case takes one of the following time.


Select one:
a.  O(log n) 
b. O(n2)               
c. O(n log n)       

d.  O(n3)                 Correct
The correct answer is:  O(n3)       

10.To implement Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm on unweighted graphs so that it runs in linear time, the data structure to be used is:

Select one:
a. B-Tree
b. Heap
c. Stack
d. Queue Correct
The correct answer is: Queue

11.For 0/1 KNAPSACK problem, the algorithm takes ________ amount of time for memory table, and ______time to determine the optimal load, for N objects and W as the capacity of KNAPSACK.

Select one:
a. O(N), O(NW) 
b.   O(N+W), O(NW)
c. O(NW), O(N+W) Correct
d. O(NW), O(N)   
The correct answer is: O(NW), O(N+W)

12.Match the following

Group A                                                                         Group B
a) Dijkstra's single shortest path                                   p) Dynamic Programming
b) Bellmen Ford's single shortest path algorithm           q) Backtracking
c) Floyd Warshell's all pair shortest path algorithm         r) Greedy Algorithm

Select one:
a. a-p,  b-p, c-p
b. a-r,  b-p, c-p Correct
c. a-r,  b-q, c-p
d. a-p,  b-r, c-q
The correct answer is: a-r,  b-p, c-p

13.A simple Graph G = L U R, set of 2 non-empty vertices and each vertex from L  has an edge to atleast one vertex of R, is called as

Select one:
a. Bipartite Graph
b.  Bifocal graph Incorrect
c.   Complete graph
d. Flow-network graph
The correct answer is: Bipartite Graph

14. Find the Running Time of the fastest algorithm to calculate the shortest path between any two vertices of a graph where all edges have equal weights.

Select one:
0(V  log2V+E )
0 (E+V) Correct
0(V log V2+E)
0 (V+E) log2V
Your answer is correct.
The correct answer is: 0 (E+V)

15.In an unweighted, undirected connected graph, the shortest path from a node S to every other node is computed most efficiently, in terms of time complexity by

Select one:
a. Dijkstra’s algorithm starting from S.
b. Performing a BFS starting from S Correct
c. Performing a DFS starting from S.
d. Warshall’s algorithm
The correct answer is: Performing a BFS starting from S

16. Which of the following statement(s)is / are correct regarding Bellman-Ford shortest path algorithm?

P: Always finds a negative weighted cycle, if one exist s.
Q: Finds whether any negative weighted cycle is reachable
   from the source.

Select one:
a. Neither P nor Q
b. P Only
c. Both P and Q
d. Q Only Correct
The correct answer is: Q Only

17. There are 5 items as follows





5 pounds



10 pounds



20 pounds



30 pounds



40 pounds


The knapsack can hold 60 pounds find the optimal solution

                    Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Select one:
a. 250$   
b. 270 $ 
c. 260 $  Correct
d. 290$
The correct answer is: 260 $

18. In flow networks Residual capacity Cf (u,v)=

Select one:
a. t(u,v) – s(u,v)
b. s(u,v) – t(u, v)
c. c(u,v) – f(u,v) Correct
d. f(u, v) – c(u,v)
The correct answer is: c(u,v) – f(u,v)

19. Four matrices M1, M2, M3 and M4 of dimensions pxq, qxr, rxs and sxt respectively can be multiplied is several ways with different number of total scalar multiplications. For example, when multiplied as ((M1 X M2) X (M3 X M4)), the total number of multiplications is pqr + rst + prt. When multiplied as (((M1 X M2) X M3) X M4), the total number of scalar multiplications is pqr + prs + pst.

If p = 10, q = 100, r = 20, s = 5 and t = 80, then the number of scalar multiplications needed is

Select one:
a. 19000 Correct
b. 248000
c. 25000
d. 44000
The correct answer is: 19000

20. Consider the decision problem 2CNFSAT defined as follows:

Select one:
a. NP-hard, but not NP-complete.
b. solvable in polynomial time by reduction to directed graph reachability
c. solvable in constant time since any input instance is satisfiable. Incorrect
d. NP-Complete.
The correct answer is: solvable in polynomial time by reduction to directed graph reachability

Saturday 7 April 2018

                     Design and Analysis of Algorithms

1.Which of the given options provides the increasing order of asymptotic complexity of functions f1, f2, f3 and f4?
  f1(n) = 2^n
  f2(n) = n^(3/2)
  f3(n) = nLogn
  f4(n) = n^(Logn)

Select one:
a. f3, f2, f1, f4
b. f2, f3, f1, f4
c. f2, f3, f4, f1
d. f3, f2, f4, f1 Correct
The correct answer is: f3, f2, f4, f1

2.Steps of Divide and Conquer approach

Select one:
a. Divide, Conquer and Combine Correct
b. Combine, Conquer and Divide
c. Combine, Divide and Conquer
d. Divide, Combine and Conquer
The correct answer is: Divide, Conquer and Combine

3.The complexity of searching an element from a set of n elements using Binary search algorithm is

Select one:
a. O(n log n)
b. O(log n)
c. O(n2) Incorrect
d. O(n)
The correct answer is: O(log n)

4.In the development of dynamic programming the value of an optimal solution is computed in

Select one:
a. Top up fashion
b. Bottom up fashion Correct
c. In any way
The correct answer is: Bottom up fashion

5.If length of the rod is 8 and the values of different pieces are given as following, then the maximum obtainable value is 22 (by cutting in two pieces of lengths 2 and 6.
length  | 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 
price    | 1   5   8   9  10  17  17  20
What is the worst case running time for the above problem

Select one:
a. O(2n)
b. O(log n)
c. O(n2) Correct
d. O(n log n)
The correct answer is: O(n2)

6.The number of operations in Matrix multiplications M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 of sizes 5X10, 10X100, 100X2, 2X20 and 20X50

Select one:
a. 5830
b. 4600 Correct
c. 6900
d. 12890
The correct answer is: 4600

7.Which case of Master’s theorem is applicable in the recurrence relation T(n)=0.5*T(n/2)+1/n?

Select one:
a. Case 3
b. Case 1
c. Master’s theorem is not applicable Correct
d. Case 2
The correct answer is: Master’s theorem is not applicable

8. ______ is a condition that is always true at a particular point in an algorithm.

Select one:
a. assertion
b. constant
c. exception
d. invariant Correct
The correct answer is: invariant

9.Division Pattern of Problems in Divide and Conquer approach

Select one:
a. Iterative
b. Recursive Correct
c. Parallel
d. Random
The correct answer is: Recursive

Randomly permute the list of candidates
For i=1 to n
    interview candidate i
    If candidate I is better than candidate best
        hire candidates i
    The expected hiring cost of the procedure is.

Select one:
a. O( n2)
b. O(ln n)
c. O( n)
d. O(n log n) Incorrect
The correct answer is: O(ln n)

For i=1 to n
Swap A[i] with A[RANDOM(I,n.]
The time complexity of above algorithm is

Select one:
a. O(n3)
b. O(n2) Incorrect
c. O(n)
d. O(n ln n)
The correct answer is: O(n)

12.The running time of quick sort depends on the selection of.

Select one:
a. Selection of pivot elements Correct
b. Number of input
c. Number of passes
d. Arrangements of the elements
The correct answer is: Selection of pivot elements

Let P[1…n] be a new array
For i=1 to n
Sort A, using P as sort keys
The time complexity of above algorithm is

Select one:
a. T(n3)
b. T(n ln n)
c. T(n2)
d. T(n) Incorrect
The correct answer is: T(n ln n)

For i=1 to n
Swap A[i] with A[RANDOM(I,n)]
The above procedure RANDOMIZE-IN-PLACE(A) permutation occurs with probability

Select one:
a. Probability 1/n!
b. Probability n!
c. Probability n2 Incorrect
d. Probability n
The correct answer is: Probability 1/n!

15.Which of the following sorting algorithms does not have a worst case running time of O(n2) ?

Select one:
a. Quick sort
b. Merge sort
c. Insertion sort
d. Bubble sort Incorrect
The correct answer is: Merge sort

16.Merge Sort divides the list in

Select one:
a. N equal parts Incorrect
b. Two equal parts
c. Two parts, may not be equal
d. N parts, may not be equal
The correct answer is: Two equal parts

17.Time complexity of matrix chain multiplication

Select one:
a. O(n2)
b. O(n)
c. O(nlogn) Incorrect
d. O(n3)
The correct answer is: O(n3)

18.A sort which relatively passes through a list to exchange the first element with any elementless than it and then repeats with a new first element is called________.

Select one:
a. Quick sort
b. heap sort
c. Insertion sort Correct
d. Bubble sort
The correct answer is: Insertion sort

19.Apply Master theorem to T(n)=3.T(n/2)+n^2 and write what is f(n)

Select one:
a. f(n)=n/2+n^2 Incorrect
b. f(n)=n/2
c. f(n)=n^2
d. f(n)=3n/2
The correct answer is: f(n)=n^2

For i=1 to n
Swap A[i] with A[RANDOM(I,n.]
The above procedure RANDOMIZE-IN-PLACE(A) computes

Select one:
a. a uniform deliberate permutation
b. a different random permutation
c. a different deliberate permutation
d. a uniform random permutation Correct
The correct answer is: a uniform random permutation

21.Run Time of Merge Sort is

Select one:
a. BIG O of N log N Incorrect
b. Gamma of n log N
c. Theta of N log N
d. Omega of N log N
The correct answer is: Theta of N log N

22.Time complexities of three algorithms are given. Which should execute the slowest for large values of N?

Select one:
a. O(N)
b. O(N ½)
c. O(log n) Incorrect
The correct answer is: O(N)

23.Time Complexity of Optimal binary search tree.

Select one:
a. O(logn)
b. O(n) Incorrect
c. O(n!)
The correct answer is: O(logn)

24.Data Structure used for the Merge Sort

Select one:
a. Two Pointers
b. Two pointers and N Extra Arrays
c. 2N/2 pointers and N/2 Extra Arrays Incorrect
d. Two Pointers and an Extra Array
The correct answer is: Two Pointers and an Extra Array

25.In dynamic programming, the output to stage n become the input to

Select one:
a. stage n-1 Correct
b. stage n+1
c. stage n itself
d. stage n-2
The correct answer is: stage n-1

26.Time complexity of knapsack 0/1

where n is the number of items and W is the capacity of knapsack.

Select one:
a. O(W)
b. O(n)
c. O(nW) Correct
The correct answer is: O(nW)

27.In dynamic programming, the output to stage n become the input to

Select one:
a. Objective function Incorrect
b. Feasible solution
c. Decision stages
d. Optimum solution
The correct answer is: Decision stages

28.Master theorem applies to recurrences of the form (a=1 and b>1) are two constants.

Select one:
a. T(n)=a.T(n/b)+f(n)
b. T(n)=n.T(n/2)+b.f(n)
c. T(n)=a.T(n-1)+b
d. T(n)=n.T(n-3)+b Incorrect
The correct answer is: T(n)=a.T(n/b)+f(n)

29.Time complexity of LCS

Select one:
a. O(m!)
b. O(mn) Correct
c. O(n!)
The correct answer is: O(mn)

Tuesday 3 April 2018

                          Software Testing Methodologies

1.Bug life cycle

Select one:
a. Open, Fixed, Assigned, Closed
b. Assigned, Open, Closed, Fixed
c. Open, Assigned, Fixed, Closed
d. Assigned, Open, Fixed, Closed  Incorrect
The correct answer is: Open, Assigned, Fixed, Closed

2.The output of product testing is:

Select one:
a. Test Data
b. Test Plan
c. Test Reports
d. Test Cases Incorrect
The correct answer is: Test Reports

3.A committe of five is to be formed from six ladies and four gentlemen.In how many ways this can be done so that the committee contains exactly two ladies:

Select one:
a. 15
b. 30
c. 60 Correct
d. 40
The correct answer is: 60

4.Boundary Value Analysis focuses on:
Select one:
a. The boundary of the input space to identify test cases
b. The boundary of the output space to identify test cases
c. The boundary of the inner space to identify test cases
d. None Incorrect
The correct answer is: The boundary of the input space to identify test cases

5.Number of unique test cases generated in Robust Boundary Value Analysis for a function of n variables is

Select one:
a. 7n+1
b. 6n+1
c. 4n+1
d. 7*n Incorrect
The correct answer is: 6n+1

6.Consider the statement, “If number is divisible by 33 then number is divisible by 3 and by 11.” Which of the following statements is equivalent to this statement?

Select one:
a.  If number is not divisible by 33 then number is divisible by 3 or divisible by 11.
b. If number is not divisible by 33 then number is not divisible by 3 or not divisible by 11.
c. If number is divisible by 3 and divisible by 11 then number is divisible by 33. Incorrect
d. If number is not divisible by 3 or not divisible by 11 then number is not divisible by 33.
The correct answer is: If number is not divisible by 3 or not divisible by 11 then number is not divisible by 33.

7.Find the invalid equivalence class for the following test case. Draw a line up to the length of 4 inches

Select one:
a. Curve Correct
b. Line with 1 dot-width
c. line with 1 inch.
d. line with 4 inches
The correct answer is: Curve

8.Find the Equivalence class for the following test case. Enter a number to test the validity of being accepting the numbers between 1 and 99

Select one:
a. All numbers greater than 99
b. All numbers 99
c. All numbers between 1 and 99  Correct
d. Number = 0
The correct answer is: All numbers between 1 and 99

9.A lot consists of 10 good articles, 4 with minor defects and 2 with major defects. Two articles are chosen from the lotat random (without replacement). Find the probability that neither is good:

Select one:
1/8 Correct
d. 3/8
The correct answer is:

10.Number of unique test cases generated in Worst-Case Boundary Value Analysis for a function of n variables is

Select one:
a. 4n+1
b. 5^n Correct
c. 7^n
d. 6n+1
The correct answer is: 5^n

11.Identify the invalid Set operation

Select one:
a. Addition Correct
b. Complement
c. Intersection
d. Union
The correct answer is: Addition

12.Which one is the valid recommendation for identification of valid equivalence class?
Select one:
a. Equivalence class for invalid inputs
b. No need to look for membership in a group
c. No need to look for range in numbers
None Incorrect
The correct answer is: Equivalence class for invalid inputs

13.A lot consists of 10 good articles, 4 with minor defects and 2 with major defects. Two articles are chosen from the lot at random (without replacement). Find the probability that both are good:
Select one:
a. 1/8
b. 3/8 Correct
c. 5/8
d. 7/8
The correct answer is: 3/8

14.Defects are least costly to correct at what stage of the development cycle?

Select one:
a. Analysis and Design
b. Requirements  Correct
c. Testing
d. Coding
The correct answer is: Requirements

15.Which of the following types of testing are carried out for an erroneous input by the end user?

Select one:
a. Performance testing
b. Error handling testing Correct
c. Conversion testing
d. Parallel testing
The correct answer is: Error handling testing

16.The specification: an integer field shall contain values from and including 1 to and including 12 (number of the month) Which equivalence class partitioning is correct?

Select one:
a. Less than 1, 1 through 11, and above
b. Less than 1, 1 through 12, larger than 12 Correct
c. Less than 0, 1 through 12, larger than 12
d. Less than 1, 1 through 11, larger than 12
The correct answer is: Less than 1, 1 through 12, larger than 12

17.What are the two important requirements of class partitioning?

Select one:
a. Disjointedness and partial-completeness
b. Completeness and Non-Redundancy Correct
c. Partial-completeness and Non-Redundancy
d. Completeness and Redundancy
The correct answer is: Completeness and Non-Redundancy

18.Which of the following is an example of an Error-handlingTesting?

Select one:
a. Attempted access without a proper password to the on-line data entry and display transactions (notification to the user of invalid authentication) will be tested. Incorrect
b. Testing evaluated against the performance requirements by measuring the run times of several jobs using production data volumes
c. System is stressed beyond its specifications to check how and when it fails. Performed under heavy load like putting large number beyond storage capacity, complex database queries, and continuous input to system or database load.
d. Testing to confirm that app can recover from all types of errors when they occur without terminating the application.
The correct answer is: Testing to confirm that app can recover from all types of errors when they occur without terminating the application.

19.What are the criteria for good Test Cases?

Select one:
a. High probability of finding a defect which is yet to be discovered
b. It is not redundant
c. Neither too simple nor too complex
d. All Correct
The correct answer is: All

20.A lock which opens with a sequence of digits is an example for

Select one:
a. Regular lock
b. Combination lock
c. Both Permutation and Combination lock Incorrect
d. Permutation lock
The correct answer is: Permutation lock

21.A regression test

Select one:
a. Will help ensure unchanged areas of the software have not been affected Correct
b. Can only be run during user acceptance testing
c.  Will always be automated
d. Will help ensure changed areas of the software have not been affected
The correct answer is: Will help ensure unchanged areas of the software have not been affected

22.Number of unique test cases generated in Robust Worst-Case Boundary Value Analysis for a function of n variables is
Select one:
a. 7^n
b. 5n+1
c. 7n+1
d. 5^n Incorrect
The correct answer is: 7^n

23.Alpha Testing is:

Select one:
a. Pre- release testing by end user representatives at the developer's site Correct
b. Pre- release testing by    end user represe ntatives at   their sites
c. Post- release testing by end user representatives at the developer's site
d. The first testing that is performed
The correct answer is: Pre- release testing by end user representatives at the developer's site

24.Equivalence partitioning examples in RL 3 discusses

Select one:
a. Finding max of 1000 numbers and max of three numbers Correct
b. Finding max of two numbers and max of three numbers
c. Finding max of 1 to 1000 numbers and max of two numbers
d. Finding max of two numbers only
The correct answer is: Finding max of 1000 numbers and max of three numbers

25.In Equivalent Class Testing, what makes us consider them as equivalent?

Select one:
a. They involve the same input variable Incorrect
b. They result in similar operations in the program
c. They affect the same output variable
d. All

The correct answer is: All

26.Types of Equivalence Classes are

Select one:
a. Weak Normal, Strong Normal, Weak Robust, Normal Robust
b. Weak Normal, Strong Normal, Weak Robust, Strong Robust Correct
c. Weak Normal, Robust Normal, Weak Robust, Strong Robust
d. All
The correct answer is: Weak Normal, Strong Normal, Weak Robust, Strong Robust

27.A black-box test technique is

Select one:
a. Based on specifications Incorrect
b. Independent of implementation
c. A functional testing focuses on input and corresponding output
d. All
The correct answer is: All

28.An input field takes the number from 10 to 50. The boundary values for testing this field are:

Select one:
a. 10,30,50 Incorrect
b. 9,30,51
c. 10,15,50,55
d.  9,10,50,51
The correct answer is:  9,10,50,51

29.RADAR system operates in normal temp (28 degC), maximum temp at (70 degC) and minimum temp at (-30 degC) as per the specification. At which temperatures do you test the system for normal boundary value testing?

Select one:
a. 28 degC, 70 degC, -30 degC, 72 degC, -28 degC
b. 28 degC, 70 degC, -30 degC, 72 degC, -33 degC Incorrect
28 degC, 70 degC, -30 degC, 69 degC, -29 degC
d. 28 degC, 70 degC, -30 degC, 68 degC, -33 degC
The correct answer is:
28 degC, 70 degC, -30 degC, 69 degC, -29 degC

30.Weak Robust Equivalence Class Testing is defined as:

Select one:
a. The name of the form Weak Robust is counterintuitive and oxymoronic
b. Robust comes from the consideration of invalid values Incorrect
c. Weak refers to the single fault assumption
d. All
The correct answer is: All

Monday 2 April 2018

                          Software Testing Methodologies

Software Testing Methodologies

1. In Bottom-Up integration testing, which one of the followings that you may need to develop?

Select one:
a. Interfaces
b. Stubs
c. Connectors
d. Drivers Correct
The correct answer is: Drivers

2.A rich extention of FSM 

Select one:
a. None
b. State Charts
c. Petri nets Incorrect
d. Path testing
The correct answer is: State Charts

3.A Message is

Select one:
a. A communication between two Modules
b. A mechanism to move data across Nodes
c. A communication between two Nodes Incorrect
d. A programming language mechanism by which one unit transfers control to another unit
The correct answer is: A programming language mechanism by which one unit transfers control to another unit

4.statement w=v+n+1 use of v

Select one:
a. is a use of v and n
b. is a use of v only Incorrect
c. ALL
d. is a use of n only
The correct answer is: is a use of v and n

5.Which View of class testing is used for Inheritence?

Select one:
a. Execution View Incorrect
b. Static View
c. None 
d. Compile Time View 
The correct answer is: Compile Time View 

6.Data Flow Testing refer to

Select one:
a. Point at which the variable receive values and the point at which it is used Correct
b. Inputting Data
c. None of the options
d. Understanding how Data changes to Result
The correct answer is: Point at which the variable receive values and the point at which it is used

7.The following is not a define-reference anomaly:

Select one:
a. A variable that is defined but never used (referenced) Incorrect
b. None of the option
c. A variable that is defined twice before it is used
d. A variable that is used but never defined
The correct answer is: None of the option

8.Big Bang integration approach:

Select one:
a. None of the option
b. Suffers with problem of fault isolation
c. Number of integration testing sessions is 2
d. Requires creation of a large number of stubs and drivers Incorrect
The correct answer is: Suffers with problem of fault isolation

9.Adding Variables and Conditions to FSM is called

Select one:
a. Advanced FSM
b. None
c. Extended FSM Correct
d. FSM++
The correct answer is: Extended FSM

10.MM-path is

Select one:
a. A path between modules
b. An edge Incorrect
c. An interleaved sequence of MEPs and Messages
d. A path from Source node to Sink node
The correct answer is: An interleaved sequence of MEPs and Messages

11.Traverse every path in the model under the constraint that any transition in the path is traversed at most N times

Select one:
a. Transition Coverage Testing
b. State Based Testing
c. Basis path Testing Incorrect
d. Constraint Path Testing
The correct answer is: Constraint Path Testing

12.Call Graph (CG) based approach is

Select one:
a. Only Pair-wise integration
b. Neither Pair-wise integration nor Neighborhood integration Incorrect
c. Only Neighborhood integration
d. Both Pair-wise and Neighborhood integration
The correct answer is: Both Pair-wise and Neighborhood integration

13.Software Test Drivers are

Select one:
a. Programs which simulate the behaviors of software components that are the control modules of a under test module Correct
b. Programs which simulate the behaviors of software components that are the dependent modules of a under test module
c.  Used to connect a software with a driver
d. None of the options
The correct answer is: Programs which simulate the behaviors of software components that are the control modules of a under test module

14.Useful formalism to express concurrency and timing - this is true for which model?

Select one:
a. Petri Nets Correct
b. FSM
c. StateCharts
d. None
The correct answer is: Petri Nets

15.Data Flow testing refers to forms of structural testing that focus on:

Select one:
a. The point at which variables receive values and the point at which these values are used (or referenced)
b. Serves as a “reality check” on path testing
c. All options Correct
d. An unifying structure of test coverage metrics
The correct answer is: All options

16.One of the  issues with flattened class could be the following:

Select one:
a. A flattened class will not be part of a final system, so no uncertainty remains
b. A flattened class will be part of a final system, so some redundancy of testing remains
c. A flattened class will not be part of a final system, so some uncertainty remains Correct
d. A flattened class will not be part of a final system, so no uncertainty remains
The correct answer is: A flattened class will not be part of a final system, so some uncertainty remains

17.Destructors are executed when 

Select one:
a. object of class is partially destroyed
b. object of class is destroyed
c. object of class is define to destroy
d. object of class is about to destroy Incorrect
The correct answer is: object of class is destroyed

18.Different strategies used in state model to design test cases are 

Select one:
a. Transition Testing, Coverage Testing Incorrect
b. State Testing, Code Testing
c. State Testing, Transition Testing, Path Testing
d. Code Testing, Path Testing
The correct answer is: State Testing, Transition Testing, Path Testing

19.Characteristics of Path-based Integration 

Select one:
a. Interfaces are behavioural
b. Interfaces are behavioural
c. None 
d. Co-functioning, Interfaces are structural and interactions are behavioural Correct
The correct answer is: Co-functioning, Interfaces are structural and interactions are behavioural

20.Fault categories include

Select one:
a. transmission error
b. new state error,fault state error,operation error,transfer error
c. operation error,transfer error,extra state error,missing state error Correct
d. operation error and transfer error
The correct answer is: operation error,transfer error,extra state error,missing state error

21.Both drivers and Stubs will be used in which approach of integration?

Select one:
a. Big bang
b. Bottom-up Incorrect
c. Sandwich
d. Top-down
The correct answer is: Sandwich

22.MM path testing is used is

Select one:
a. object oriented testing
b. model based testing

state based testing 

System testing Incorrect
The correct answer is: object oriented testing

23.Role of inheritance complicates the choice of classes as units, a technique followed to simplify the testing of these units

Select one:
a. Avoid using inheritance
b. flattening of classes
c. Minimize use of such inheritance Incorrect
d. relook at the design
The correct answer is: flattening of classes

24.Flattening of classes is

Select one:
a. Required for testing subclasses
b. Creates classes that are a part of the final product
c. Involves merging methods of a sub-class Incorrect
d. Required to overcome the challenges posed by encapsulation concept of OO systems
The correct answer is: Required for testing subclasses

25.Software Test Stubs are 

Select one:
a. Programs which simulate the behaviors of software components that are the dependent modules of a under test module
b. Used to connect a software with a driver
c. Programs which simulate the behaviors of software components that are the control modules of a under test module Incorrect
d. None of the options
The correct answer is: Programs which simulate the behaviors of software components that are the dependent modules of a under test module

26.Given an Extended FSM Diagram, one must test the following:

Select one:
a. All states in the EFSM
b. All paths in the EFSM
c. All states, transitions and paths in the EFSM Correct
d. All states and transitions in EFSM
The correct answer is: All states, transitions and paths in the EFSM

27.Operation error in a fault model is:

Select one:
a. Output values are garbled
b. Error generated upon transition like incorrect output function
c. Corrupt input Incorrect
d. Incorrect input function
The correct answer is: Error generated upon transition like incorrect output function

28.In Data Flow Testing, an Use is a statement that __________ a value of variable

Select one:
a.  references
b. Manipulates
c. validates Incorrect
d. All options
The correct answer is:  references

29.Which View of class testing is used Abstract classes?

Select one:
a. Execution View
b. None 
c. Static View Incorrect
d. Compile Time View 
The correct answer is: Execution View

30.What is the BEST definition of flattened class?

Select one:
a. A flattened class is an original class expanded to include all the attributes and operations it inherits Correct
b. A flattened class is an original class expanded to include all the attributes but not the operations it inherits
c. A flattened class is an original class expanded to include all the attributes of the class itself.
d. A flattened class is an original class expanded to include all the attributes and functions.
The correct answer is: A flattened class is an original class expanded to include all the attributes and operations it inherits

Sunday 1 April 2018


                                                            Data Mining

1.The apriori property means

Select one:
a. To improve the efficiency, do level-wise generation of frequent item sets Incorrect
b. If a set can pass a test, its supersets will fail the same test
c. If a set cannot pass a test, its supersets will also fail the same test
d. To decrease the efficiency, do level-wise generation of frequent item sets

The correct answer is: If a set cannot pass a test, its supersets will also fail the same test

2.Given a frequent itemset L, If |L| = k, then there are

Select one:
a. 2k   candidate association rules
b. 2k   - 1 candidate association rules
c. 2k -2 candidate association rules
d. 2k   - 2 candidate association rules Incorrect
The correct answer is: 2k -2 candidate association rules

3.With Bayes theorem the probability of hypothesis H¾ specified by P(H) ¾ is referred to as

Select one:
a. a conditional probability
b. a posterior probability
c. an a priori probability Correct
d. a bidirectional probability
The correct answer is: an a priori probability

4.In _________ clusterings, points may belong to multiple clusters

Select one:
a. Partial
b. Fuzzy
c. Exclusive
d. Non exclusivce Incorrect
The correct answer is: Fuzzy

5.Which statement about outliers is true?

Select one:
a. Outliers should be part of the test dataset but should not be present in the training data.
b. The nature of the problem determines how outliers are used Correct
c. Outliers should be identified and removed from a dataset.
d. Outliers should be part of the training dataset but should not be present in the test data.
The correct answer is: The nature of the problem determines how outliers are used

6.Which is not part of the categories of clustering methods?

Select one:
a. Partitioning methods
Rule-based methods Correct
c. Hierarchical methods
d. Density based methods
The correct answer is:
Rule-based methods

7.The most general form of distance is

Select one:
a. Mean
b. Manhattan
c. Minkowski
d. Eucledian Incorrect
The correct answer is: Minkowski

8.The correlation coefficient for two real-valued attributes is –0.85. What does this value tell you?

Select one:
a. The attributes are not linearly related.
b. As the value of one attribute increases the value of the second attribute also increases.
c. The attributes show a linear relationship
d. As the value of one attribute decreases the value of the second attribute increases. Correct
The correct answer is: As the value of one attribute decreases the value of the second attribute increases.

9.Frequent item sets is

Select one:
a. Subset of maximal frequent item sets
b. Superset of only closed frequent item sets
c. Superset of only maximal frequent item sets Incorrect
d. Superset of both closed frequent item sets and maximal frequent item sets
The correct answer is: Superset of both closed frequent item sets and maximal frequent item sets

10.In Apriori algorithm, if 1 item-sets are 100, then the number of candidate 2 item-sets are

Select one:
a. 200 Incorrect
b. 100
c. 4950
d. 5000
The correct answer is: 4950

11.Significant Bottleneck in the Apriori algorithm is

Select one:
a. Number of iterations
b. Finding frequent itemsets
c. Pruning
d. Candidate generation Correct
The correct answer is: Candidate generation

12.Which statement is true about neural network and linear regression models?

Select one:
a. Both models require numeric attributes to range between 0 and 1.
b. The output of both models is a categorical attribute value.
c. Both techniques build models whose output  is determined by a  linear sum of weighted input attribute values.
d. Both models require input attributes to be numeric. Correct
The correct answer is: Both models require input attributes to be numeric.

13.If {A,B,C,D} is a frequent itemset, candidate rules which is not possible is

Select one:
a. D -->ABCD
b. B --> ADC Incorrect
c. C --> A
d. A --> BC
The correct answer is: D -->ABCD

14What is the final resultant cluster size in Divisive algorithm, which is one of the hierarchical clustering approaches?

Select one:
a. singleton
b. Three
c. Zero Incorrect
d. Two
The correct answer is: singleton

15.Given a rule of the form IF X THEN Y, rule confidence is defined as the conditional probability that

16.Select one:
a. X is false when Y is known to be false.
b. Y is false when X is known to be false.
c. X is true when Y is known to be true
d. Y is true when X is known to be true. Correct
The correct answer is: Y is true when X is known to be true.

17.This data transformation technique works well when minimum and maximum values for a real-valued attribute are known.

Select one:
a. decimal scaling
b. z-score normalization
c. min-max normalization Correct
d. logarithmic normalization
The correct answer is: min-max normalization

18.Which statement is true about the K-Means algorithm?

Select one:
a. The output attribute must be cateogrical.
b. All attributes must be numeric Correct
c. All attribute values must be categorical.
d. Attribute values may be either categorical or numeric
The correct answer is: All attributes must be numeric

19.Clustering is ___________ and is example of ____________learning

Select one:
a. Predictive and unsupervised
b. Descriptive and supervised
c. Predictive and supervised
d. Descriptive and unsupervised Correct
The correct answer is: Descriptive and unsupervised

20.Find odd man out

Select one:
a. K medoid
b. PAM Incorrect
d. K mean
The correct answer is: DBSCAN

21. _________ is an example for case based-learning

Select one:
a. Neural networks
b. K-nearest neighbor
c. Decision trees Incorrect
d. Genetic algorithm
The correct answer is: K-nearest neighbor

22.The _______ step eliminates the extensions of (k-1)-itemsets which are not found to be frequent,from being considered for counting support

Select one:
a. Partitioning
b. Pruning Correct
c. Itemset eliminations
d. Candidate generation
The correct answer is: Pruning

23. Assume that we have a dataset containing information about 200 individuals.  A supervised data mining session has discovered the following rule:

                IF  age < 30 & credit card insurance = yes   THEN life insurance = yes
                        Rule Accuracy:    70%   and  Rule Coverage:   63%

How many individuals in the class life insurance= no have credit card insurance and are less than 30 years old?
Select one:
a. 63
b. 30
c. 70 Incorrect
d. 38
The correct answer is: 38

24.A good clustering method will produce high quality clusters with

Select one:
a. no inter class similarity
b. low intra class similarity
c. high inter class similarity
d. high intra class similarity Correct
The correct answer is: high intra class similarity

25.If  an item set ‘XYZ’ is a frequent item set, then all subsets of that frequent item set are

Select one:
a. Not frequent
b. Frequent Correct
c. Undefined
d. Can not say
The correct answer is: Frequent

26.The number of iterations in apriori ___________

Select one:
a. decreases with the increase in size of the data
b. increases with the size of the data
c. decreases with increase in size of the maximum frequent set Incorrect
d. increases with the size of the maximum frequent set
The correct answer is: increases with the size of the maximum frequent set

27.Arbitrary shaped clusters can be found by using

Select one:
a. Density methods
b. Agglomerative
c. Hierarchical methods Incorrect
d. Partitional methods
The correct answer is: Density methods

28.Which two parameters are needed for DBSCAN

Select one:
a. Min sup and min confidence
b. Number of centroids
c. Min points and eps Correct
d. Min threshold
The correct answer is: Min points and eps

29.Given desired class C and population P, lift is defined as

Select one:
a. the probability of class C given a sample taken from population P divided by the probability of C within the entire population P. Correct
b. the probability of  population P given a sample taken from P
c. the probability of class C given a sample taken from population P.
d. the probability of class C given population P divided by the probability of C given a sample taken from the population
The correct answer is: the probability of class C given a sample taken from population P divided by the probability of C within the entire population P.

30.Which Association Rule would you prefer

Select one:
a. High support and low confidence
b. Low support and high confidence
c. Low support and low confidence
d. High support and medium confidence Incorrect
The correct answer is: Low support and high confidence