Tuesday 24 January 2017

Andriod: MCQ

                                                   Andriod: MCQ   

1.      Using Calendar Provider: which of the following table lists the intent supported by the Calendar Provider

Select one:
b. CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENTS_BEGIN_TIME 
c. CalenderContract.EXTRA_EVENT_BEGIN_TIME
d. CalendarContract.EXTRA_EVENT_BEGIN_TIME

2. Prefetching data is one of the useful method for optimizing battery drain while downloading because :[Best Practices for Downloading Data Without Draining the Battery]
Select one:
a. All the above.
b. it minimize in-app latency caused by waiting for downloads to complete before performing an action or viewing data..
c. it reduces the number of independent data transfer sessions.
d. it reduce the number of radio activations required to download the data. 

3. Creating a Search Interface: Which permissions are required to get a location in Android?
Select one:

4.. Layouts: What is the difference between margin and padding in android layout?
Select one:
a. Padding is used to offset the content of a view by specific px or dp
b. Margin is specifying the extra space left on all four sides in layout
c. Both the given options. 
d. None of the given options.

5. what you think"When content provider would be activated": [using content provider]
Select one:
a. Using ContentResolver 
b. None of the above
c. Using Broadcast
d. Using SQLite

6. Creating a Search Interface: What is the library of Map View in Android?
Select one:
a. com.map
b. com.goggle.android.maps 
c. in.maps
d. com.goggle.gogglemaps

7. Static Files as Resources: What is android raw folder in eclipse project?
Select one:
a. It is used to store SQLite folder.
b. It is used to store MP3 or other assets files. 
c. It this is where all .xml files sit.
d. This is to store bit map images.

8. Content Values and Cursors: ContentValues is the class that implements following interface
Select one:
a. ObservableList
b. Iterable
c. List
d. Parcelable 

9. Do all components of an android application run in same thread? [Thread]
Select one:
a. each application will have one process and one main thread created by system,by default. 
b. it is based on number of components in that application.
c. yes it is true, because activity ,service,receiver will create a thred by default internally.
d. process or application by default will not have any thread.

10. Internet resources are required to parse with the help of parser.Which parser is not included in android: [Parsing]
Select one:
a. JSON.
b. XML.
c. P2P Stream.
d. DOM. 

11. Creating Content Providers: When you want to access data in a content provider, you use
Select one:
a. ContentResolver object with Activity
b. ContentResolver object with application Context 
c. ContentResolver object with cursor
d. ContentResolver object with Fragment

12. Introducing the Preference Framework and the Preference Activity: What is a base adapter in Android?
Select one:
a. Base Adapter is a common class for any adapter, which can we use for both ListView and spinner. 
b. A kind of adapter.
c. None of the given options.
d. Data storage space.

13. Using Calendar Provider: __________ can get read/write access to the database tables that hold a user's calendar data.
Select one:
a. Android abstrcat adapters
b. Generic adapters
c. Android base adapters
d. sync adapters 

14. what is pending intent in android: [intent]
Select one:
a. Such intent does not exist
b. It is used to pass the data between activities.
c. It will fire at future point of time
d. It is intent only 

15. Adding Custom Suggestions: To add custom suggestions, you need to have implemented the,Android search dialog or a search widget for searches in your application.
Select one:
a. Above statement is correct. 
b. No need to Implement any dialogs.
c. None of the given options.
d. Only Search dialog is sufficient.

16. Cursor.requery() is executed when: [Using cursor]
Select one:
a. resume cursor to re-ebale the cursor with fresh data. 
b. wants to generate the cursor.
c. deactivation of cursor is required.
d. try to store query result.

17.  Introducing SQLite: What is the use of SQlite open helper class in SQLite?
Select one:
a. All the given options.
b. A helper class allows database management ,creation and version management. This is the class where we will create all the tables, and upgrade tables. 
c. A helper class provides functionalities for deleting rows, inserting data into rows into a table.
d. A helper class is used for fetching the data from remote servers and storing it into SQLiteDatabase.

18. Using Content Provider: Which of the following Data Types are not supported by Content Provider
Select one:
a. integer
b. floating points 
c. long floating point
d. long integer

19. What built-in database is Android shipped with? [introduction to database]
Select one:
a. Oracle
b. MySQL
c. Apache
d. SQLite 

20. Creating a Search Interface: What is LastKnownLocation in android?
Select one:
a. None of the given options.
b. To find known location of a phone.
c. To find the last location of a phone.
d. To find the last known location of a phone. 

21. The attribute which is required for Preferences that persist a data value is: [Introduction to preferences]
Select one:
a. android:defaultValue.
b. android:key. 
c. android:keyValue.
d. android:title.

22. Shared Preferences: How many ways are there to store persistent data by using an Android application? 1. Shared Preferences 2. Internal Storage 3. Storing in network servers 4. SQLite Database 5. External Storage
Select one:
a. 1,4
b. All the options 
c. 4
d. None of the above options

23. Content Values and Cursors: Which of the following is the correct method signature of onMove() method of cursor?
Select one:
a. boolean onMove boolean oldPosition, int newPosition)
b. int onMove (int oldPosition, int newPosition)
c. boolean onMove (int oldPosition, int newPosition) 
d. boolean onMove (int oldPosition, boolean newPosition)

24. How many threads are there in asyncTask in Android? [Thread]
Select one:
a. None of the above.
b. AsyncTask does not have threads.
c. Only one. 
d. Two.

25. Introducing the Preference Framework and the Preference Activity: What is fragment in Android?
Select one:
a. Fragment is a piece of activity, if you want to do turn your application 360 degrees, you can do this by fragment.
b. None of the given options.
c. Fragment is a piece of XML file used to display partially. 
d. Fragment is special type of activity used to display animation.

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