Monday 30 June 2014

Why do clouds form?

Why do clouds form?
The sun warms the water in the ocean, in rivers and in the ground. As the water gets warmer it turns in to water vapour and rises into the sky. Water vapour is a gas, and you can’t see it. After it rises the water vapour cools. As it cools it turns into droplets of water or tiny bits of ice. When enough of the water droplets and ice come together, clouds are formed.

How do front teeth do rabbits have?

How do front teeth do rabbits have?

Rabbits live in underground burrow system called warrens. They give birth to their young, called kittens, in the warren.  They are born in warm nest which are snugly lined with soft grass and dried vegetations. They are hairless and open their eyes after ten days. The female feeds the young only for a few minutes in twenty four hours, then goes off after covering the entrance of the burrow. Rabbits feed on plant food. Like other rodents they have two large front teeth which grow continuously. But they differ from rats and mice because they have another smaller of front teeth which is tucked inside the main pair. They have long ears and strong hind legs which give them force in running.

Sunday 29 June 2014

Are koalas bears?

Are koalas bears?
Koala looks like a teddy bear but it is not related to bears at all, and is not as friendly as it appears.  Koala is a marsupial that lives only in the eucalyptus forests of the east coast in Australia. It eats hardly anything except the leaves of the eucalyptus. It spends all most its entire life on the trees, sleeping for eighteen hours a day and spending the rest of time in eating. Koalas live alone and do not mix very much except during the breeding season. The female produces a single baby in midsummer after a pregnancy of thirty six days. Their coat is grey to reddish brown in colour, it is white on the chin, chest and under forearms. They live for thirteen years, and in captivity can live up to 18 years.

Friday 27 June 2014

Are all Ants social?

Are all Ants social?

Besides the common black and yellow ants there are fifteen thousand other varieties of this immense family of insects, belonging to the same order as the bees and wasps.  All ants are social and live in colonies. Each colony has one or more egg laying female which we call the queen. The others are known as the workers and they are sterile and wingless females. Their part is to collect food, rear the young and defend the house. The queens of most species have wing and they fly out in mating swarms. After mating the male dies and females return to the ground and shed her wings. Their food consists of seeds, leftovers, insects, nectar and pests that make it beneficial to the man. Their size ranges from one millimetre to thirty five millimetres and they come mainly in red, yellow and black colours.
HABITAT: Open land, trees.
DIET: Seeds, leftovers, insects, nectar and pests.
SIZE:  One millimetre to 35 millimetres.
COLOUR: Red, Yellow and Black.

Sum of first and fourth digit of four digit number: Programming in C

#1 .Program to calculate sum of first and fourth digit of four digit number
Source Code Window

Output Window
#2.  Try to solve these 

Try to solve these