Sunday 29 December 2013

Wonderful Waterfalls

                                                Wonderful Waterfalls
On its downhill, hurried journey towards the sea, a river flows through several different landscapes. It rushes over rocks, meanders through meadows, twists and turn through forests and cliffs before finding its way to the sea. When the river arrives at the edge of a cliff or on the side of a mountain, Its flow is abruptly interrupted. Unable to halt at the edge of a cliff or on the side of a mountain, the roaring river tumbles over the edge and plunges down the side of the mountain like a raging torrent.
The result is one of the most dramatic spectacles of nature- a waterfall!
Our loving Blue Planet is splashed with several breathtaking waterfalls. Some noteworthy waterfalls are:
                           Angel Falls
In the isolated jungles of the mountainous Canaima National Park in Venezuela, the Churun thunders down the top of a flat-topped plateau, creating the world's tallest waterfall - the Angel Falls. This awe-inspiring waterfall is 979 meters high - so tall that even before it spills into the canyon below, much of its water is turned into mist! Salto Angel, as the waterfall is known throughout South America, is more than nineteen times taller than the Niagara Falls in North America.

                          Niagara Falls

The voluminous Niagara Falls, on the Niagara River, straddles the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the state of New York in the USA. It is the most visited waterfall in the world and the most powerful waterfall in North America.



Gullfoss is one of Iceland's most beautiful and most popular waterfall. Gullfoss is formed when the Hvita River plunges thirty-two meters into a sixty feet wide ravine(a narrow, deep valley with very steep side). Its Icelandic name, translated as 'Golden Falls' in English, is a reference to the bright rainbows frequently seen in the mist above the waterfall on sunny days. It is one of the largest waterfalls in Europe.

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